Thursday, September 23, 2010

Potty Talk

Maycee is officially POTTY TRAINED!! She is doing so well and hasn't had an accident in her pants for a while now. Now I'm warning you that this is a post about Potty talk, and there were a few things that she has said or that have happened that were too funny to not post about them. We did have a little set back in the whole potty training process when we visited Utah and had to use a public bathroom. As soon as I sat Maycee up on the toilet a lady in the stall next to us had (how do I say it politely) extremely loud gas. So loud that it scared Maycee right off the toilet and afraid to use a big toilet again for a few days. Poor girl probably thought she might blow up too like the lady next to us. Another funny story worth mentioning is when we first starting trying to get her to use the potty. She sat down on it, tooted, stood up and looked in the potty and said "where did my toot go?" And finally today as she finished, she looked in the toilet and said "it looks like a big snake swimming all around in there...hi snake" as she bends down to wave at it. I love that I get live entertainment all day long...this girl makes me laugh!


Ryan and Angela said...

Ha! Kinzie thinks her poop are snakes too! She also sometimes thinks it is her cowgirl, Jesse's, boot. I suppose it is the shape and color of it. She is also pretty sure that her pee is apple juice. Gotta love the potty talk!